Early in solar system history, a protoplanet named Theia smashed into Earth and created the Moon.

Giant Impact Hypothesis: An evolving legacy of Apollo Early in solar system history, a protoplanet named Theia smashed into Earth and created the Moon.   This artist’s concept…

Ancient Beheмoth Unearthed: 65-Foot Fossil Whale Skeleton Reʋeals Stunning Secrets froм 37 Million Years Ago in Egyptian Desert

Fossil of 37 мillion years old Whale Skeleton (мore than 65ft long) found in Wadi Al Hitan, Egyptian desert. Dozens of rare fossilized whale skeletons haʋe eмerged froм…

8,500 years older than the pyraмids of Egypt, this is the oldest teмple eʋer Ƅuilt on Earth

GöƄekli Tepe is a center of faith and pilgrimage during the Neolithic Age and is situated 15 kм froм the Turkish town of Sanlıurfa and added to the…

Kites aren’t just colorful pieces of fabric on a string that kids like to fly! A kite is also a type of bird-of-prey like hawks and falcons. Kites can take to the skies and sail along on updrafts and thermals. Their high-powered eyesight helps them spot prey, which they dive onto and grab with their sharp talons. Kite species can be found around the world, but in this article we will specifically look at 8 species of kites in North America, including the few species you can see in the United States.

HOW ARE KITES DIFFERENT FROM HAWKS AND FALCONS? Kites, falcons and hawks are all birds of prey that share many similarities. While these many not hold true for…

Northern Cardinals are some of the most striking songbirds in all of North America. These cheery mid-sized birds have many unique traits, one of which is their bright coloring that differs by sex. In this article we will look at male vs female cardinals and find out what other differences they may have from each other.

5 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MALE VS FEMALE CARDINALS From behavior to song, male and female Cardinals have many different traits that make them unique. This article discusses the general…

Time travel — long a staple of science fiction — may not be too far from reality.

All of cosmic history, from near the Big Bang (at upper left) to the engineering marvels of superadvanced civilizations (at lower right), could be reached theoretically in a…


The Golden pheasant is a colorful inhabitant of Asia but an exotic visitor to most of the western world. They adapt to many temperate environments and habitat conditions. First recorded…

Mystery 90-ton coffin inside ‘Ancient Egyptian palace of the dead’ blown open by archaeologists – revealing cow mummy

The tombs of more than 20 beasts were found in the vast, ancient burial ground of Saqqara more than 100 years ago but fresh details have come to…

The JUICE spacecraft is now on its way to Jupiter to explore three fascinating Galilean moons. Here’s how you can observe them.

The Galilean moons of Jupiter and how to observe them Jupiter’s four largest and most well-studied moons were first discovered more than 400 years ago. And they still…

4,600-Year-Old Egyptian Solar Boat is Paraded to New Gaza Museum

Designed after the life-sustaining daily cycle of the Sun, the famous “Solar Boat” is one of ancient Egypt’s most iconic depictions of how this culture viewed the afterlife….

Here are some of our favorite birds that start with letter B!

There are thousands of species of birds throughout the world, but have you ever picked a letter of the alphabet and tried to find birds to match? Below…


Florida is a paradise for birds. Its mild climate, abundant water, and plentiful vegetation support thousands of species. Birds with adaptations to freshwater and saltwater abound in its…