The ancient tomb near Nafūn in Oman’s central Al Wusta province has been dated by archaeologists to between 6,600 and 7,000 years old. Nothing like it has been…

The Space Shuttle was NASA’s workhorse for 30 years. But despite all its features, it had some fatal flaws.

Space Shuttle Discovery, as seen from the International Space Station, during flight STS-120. NASA In 1972, Apollo 17 carried the last batch of astronauts to the lunar surface. But…

Astronomers simulated what humans will see on Earth when the star Betelgeuse explodes as a supernova sometime in the next 100,000 years.

A plume of gas nearly the size of our solar system erupts from Betelgeuse’s surface in this artist’s illustration of real observations gathered by astronomers using the Very…

The pharaoh’s boat for 5,000 years remains intact

Egyptian archaeologists discovered the wooden boat nearly 5,000 years ago by pharaoh Khufu in ‘perfect integrity’. According to Express, the Giza Pyramid Complex is perhaps the most famous of…

Landing is one thing. Thriving is another.

It seems like everyone has Mars on the mind these days. NASA wants to send humans to the red planet by 2030, and SpaceX wants to get there…

Although the Moon is rotating, it always keeps one face toward us. This is called “synchronous rotation,” and it’s why we only ever see the Moon’s nearside.

Spacecraft have explored both the nearside (left) and farside of the Moon. Humans, however, have landed only on the nearside — the half that always remains visible from Earth…

5,000-Year-Old Astro-Tomb Discovered On Spanish Giant

As archaeologists in Spain were researching a rock formation known as the Sleeping Giant, they noticed something curious. From a distance, they identified a feature on the giant’s…

A total eclipse that travelled the full width of Australia in 1922 offered astronomers the chance to confirm Einstein’s theory of general relativity – and for the community to enjoy a rare spectacle.

A total eclipse that travelled the full width of Australia in 1922 offered astronomers the chance to confirm Einstein’s theory of general relativity – and for the community…

The object, an ultra-long period magnetar, had been theoretical until now.

The object, an ultra-long period magnetar, had been theoretical until now.   An artist’s impression of what the object might look like if it’s a magnetar. Magnetars are…


Black birds with orange beaks are a fascinating and diverse group of bird species that can be found in various parts of the world. Whether you are trying…

Pyramids Discovered In Russia Twice As Old As Egyptian Could Rewrite Human History

The discovery of the world’s earliest pyramids on the Kola Peninsula may confirm the existence of an ancient civilisation on Russian territory. The civilization likely predates the Egyptian civilization for…

Astronomers have directly imaged a new cloudy exoplanet that’s about 15 times the mass of Jupiter and nearly 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

Astronomers are hot on the search for new exoplanets — planets that lie beyond our solar system — which might show potential for sustaining life. Finding life on…