Author: Y M

CNN) — Los cuidadores de un zoológico en Japón creen haber resuelto el misterio de cómo una gibón hembra quedó preñada a pesar de vivir sola en su jaula. Momo, una gibón de manos blancas de 12 años, sorprendió a sus cuidadores en el Zoológico y Jardín Botánico de Kujukushima en Nagasaki en febrero de 2021 cuando dio a luz a pesar de no tener un macho como compañía. Momo y su cría en el zoológico de Kujukushima. (N/A/Zoológico de Kujukushima) Ahora, dos años después, luego de una prueba de ADN de su cría, el zoológico ha descubierto quién es el…

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Pese a las alertas que emitieron autoridades, un hombre se sumergió en el mar en busca de un molusco en la costa noroeste del Pacífico; tuvo un destino fatal El hombre, víctima del ataque del tiburón, murió al instante Los ataques de tiburones son de lo que más temen los bañistas y los buzos que ingresan en las profundidades del mar. Si bien no se trata de una situación habitual, hay casos en los que las víctimas quedan sin alguna extremidad o incluso mueren. Eso fue lo que le sucedió a un pescador mexicano, quien fue atacado por un escualo mientras buceaba. El…

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La fama de predictor de sismos proviene de la mitología japonesa; a qué se debe El hallazgo se dio el pasado 25 de enero, en una playa ecuatoriana (Foto: IStock / Twitter: @ElSextoElemento) El pasado 25 de enero, un nuevo hallazgo sorprendió a los pescadores del sur de la provincia de Esmeraldas, ubicada en Ecuador: un enorme pez remo de más de tres metros de largo arribó a orillas de la playa de Tonsupa, de acuerdo con varios videos que fueron compartidos por los usuarios de las redes sociales. Según reportaron los medios locales, el ejemplar fue encontrado vivo el miércoles en…

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In January 2021, we got Harlow from a P.S.A. shelter. When his owner goes on vacation, he is found in a locked room. No one wanted to get him because he was too thin… When I brought him home, he was afraid to stay in… I had to stay with him and talk to him to get him to calm down… also fed him so he could put on weight… Move down to see the video! The next day, he could go outside and play a little with Jada… But when we left him alone, he got very upset… so…

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Aasha was extremely sick when Vicky Keahey, founder of the In-Sync Wildlife Rescue and Education Center in Texas, found her. Signs of malnutrition were clearly visible, as she weighed no more than the 100 pounds a three-month-old animal should weigh, but she was almost nine months old. Vicky was very worried about Aasha’s poor condition and tried to find out what had happened to her. ,,I wondered how a nine-month-old tiger could be so small.” she told The Dodo. ,It turned out that the poor tiger cub belonged to a traveling circus. She was not allowed to eat because she…

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Just because he wanted to fulfill his duty of guarding his owner’s property, a dog in Cairo, Egypt was mercilessly slit his throat and turned into a domestic dog. disabled bad. Like all dogs on duty, when a stranger approaches the property, the dog will of course bark, chasing them away. And just because of that, people who were chased by Anubis dogs cut off its nose, cutting off part of its upper snout. Anubis also fell out of favor and was quickly abandoned. And for years, people have seen a dog with a horrible face, missing its upper jaw…

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The Pσσr Puρ Was Helρless And Alσne, Shivering in the Cσld, Cσnstantly Crying fσr Its Mσther A small ρuρρy less than a mσnth σld was thrσwn intσ a ρit. The ρσσr ρuρ was helρless and alσne, shivering in the cσld and cσnstantly crying fσr its mσther. The ρuρρy’s cries echσed thrσugh the neighbσrhσσd until a ƙind ρersσn heard them and immediately rushed tσ the ρit. The ρersσn was heartbrσƙen at the sight σf the helρless ρuρρy and ƙnew that they had tσ rescue him. The ƙind ρersσn tσσƙ the ρuρρy tσ the nearest veterinary clinic where he was given a…

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Anne Hathaway’s net worth is the result of an over two-decade career in Hollywood. Starting out in teenage roles like in The Princess Diaries and Ella Enchanted, Hathaway was able to make a fairly smooth transition to serious roles, like in Rachel Getting Married and Les Misérables. The Academy Award winner has led many films, from romances to comedies to Oscar fare—is there anything she can’t do? The Brooklyn-born actress is still one of the most sought-after names in the industry. Consistently turning in acclaimed performances, it’s no surprise that she’s often topped the lists of the highest-paid actresses in Hollywood. Here is all you need to know about…

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Singer Tom Grennan may be preparing for the BRIT Awards this weekend but he couldn’t believe his luck as Hollywood A-lister Anne Hathaway crept up on a rehearsal Anne Hathaway may be one of the biggest names in the movie industry but it appears she’s a fan of UK singers as she crept up on Tom Grennan. The singer was preparing for his upcoming performance on The Graham Norton Show which airs tonight as the Princess Diaries actress looked on from around the corner. Ahead of taking to the stage, Tom and his crew were rehearsing for their vocals in the hallway as…

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Actor Anne Hathaway starred alongside Meryl Streep in the iconic Devil Wears Prada. But while on set, Hathaway sometimes doubted her own place in the movie. Especially when sharing screen time with Streep. Anne Hathaway originally wasn’t supposed to be in ‘Devil Wears Prada’Anne Hathway | Alessandra Benedetti/Getty Images It may be difficult for some to imagine anyone else in Hathaway’s starring role in Devil Wears Prada. But initially, the studio wasn’t too sold on Hathaway, and was trying to get a bigger star at the time to play Andy Sachs. “We started negotiating with Annie to make a deal, and that didn’t go well with…

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ONE minute a possum was settling in for an afternoon nap. The next it was staring head first down the belly of a 3m python. Photographer Jasmine Kerr captured the moment a coastal carpet python digested a possum on her family’s horse property at Gunalda near Gympie on Wednesday. Ms Kerr was moving horses with her family about 2pm when something caught her eye. She’s no stranger to snakes, but this was something she’d never seen before. “We were just coming out of our driveway. I own snakes so it wasn’t too horrifying for me, but my mum crapped herself,” she said. “It would’ve taken him probably 25 to…

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We are well aware that the male lion is a majestic monarch that roars and terrorizes others. However, these photographs will reveal the reality of the situation. It doesn’t matter if you’re a king or not; boys will be boys, and dads will be dads. This father was likewise having fun with his children, but it went a little too far! Then you’ll know what happens next! The lion appears to be getting an earful from his lioness counterpart in the photos. You can be a king, but your mate doesn’t care! In a fit of rage, Luke’s father pinned…

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Como en años anteriores, atacaron a bañistas en la costa próxima a la ciudad de Santa Fe Las palometas atacaron en Posadas SANTA FE.– Volvió un clásico del verano santafecino. Además de los mosquitos, como en años anteriores las palometas otra vez atacaron a bañistas en playas de la costa próxima a esta capital. Desde el domingo, en apenas tres jornadas, hubo 15 personas heridas por el ataque de esos peces, en su mayoría niños. Del total de damnificados, una menor de 12 años debió ser internada en el hospital. Aunque ningún caso reviste gravedad, las autoridades municipales prohibieron el ingreso a la…

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El perro fue herido gravemente con un trinche de jardinería Pincky, el protagonista de esta historia, quien se convirtió en un héroe En los últimos días, se volvió viral la historia de Pincky, un pequeño chihuahua que defendió su hogar de ladrones en Nayarit, México. La Veterinaria Animal Center “Pet Shop”, que atendió de emergencia al animal, narró a El Universal que los agresores ingresaron a robar a la casa cuando la familia no estaba, por lo que al defenderla Pincky fue herido con una pala de jardinería. “Se encontraba sangrando y con mucho dolor, lo tranquilizamos para poderlo levantar y transportarlo”, explicaron. De acuerdo con…

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Jaxon Feeley tuvo que recurrir a medidas desesperadas para costear el tratamiento de su mascota Rambo, un canino de raza weimaraner, entró en shock hipovolémico (Foto: Instagram: @jaxryderfeeley / GoFundMe) ¿Qué estarías dispuesto a hacer por salvar la vida de tu perro? Aunque las respuestas a esta pregunta son, tal vez, ilimitadas, en el caso de Jaxon Feeley es tan radical como conmovedora: poner en venta su casa para pagar el tratamiento médico de su mascota; así lo señala el periódico británico Daily Mail. Este joven británico volcó la solidaridad de cientos de personas a lo largo y ancho del mundo luego de…

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A highly elusive snake species has made a rare occurrence in Alabama. The discovery was recently confirmed by the Alabama Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division, and it is just the second in the last 60 years when an Eastern indigo snake is spotted in the state. Nevertheless, the discovery didn’t come as a surprise, but more as a succes of effortless program meant to repopulate the wilderness of Alabama with this snake species! According to the wildlife officials, the young snake is a result of the pairs that was introduced in the Conecuh National Forest. Alabama Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries…

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El protagonista de esta historia mantiene un vínculo especial con el animal por un hecho ocurrido en el pasado La osa regresa frecuentemente a la casa de este hombre (Foto: YouTube Patrick Conley) En más de una ocasión, la conducta de las mamá osas con sus cachorros enterneció a los usuarios en internet. Por ejemplo, el año pasado en Santa Lucía, en Castilla y León, España, se viralizó el video en el que una osa peleaba con un gran oso pardo con tal de defender a su cría. Finalmente, el macho murió. Del mismo modo, el clip en el que una mamá osa va a visitar a…

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Una fotógrafa registró en video la imponente especie para luego advertir que se trata de un reptil invasor. altamente perjudicial para el ecosistema local La pitón cruzó por completo una de las rutas del Parque Nacional Everglades, al sur de Florida Un grupo de fotógrafos conducía por una de las tantas rutas del Parque Nacional Everglades, al sur de Florida, en busca de algunos animales salvajes para fotografiar. De repente, un obstáculo de unos 5 metros de largo se interpuso en su camino. Si bien el GPS les indicaba seguir, Kymberly Strempack Clark y sus dos amigos decidieron bajar del vehículo y grabar…

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This boy’s mouth was ᴅᴀᴍᴀɢᴇᴅ on all sides, and maggots had entered the ʜᴏʀʀɪʙʟᴇ wounds. We have no clue how this occurred. It would have been impossible for him to eat, but neighbors observed his suffering early enough that we were able to save him before famine compounded his ᴛᴇʀʀɪʙʟᴇ issues. His kind disposition made treating him simple for us, even though the agony of his initial treatments was excruciating for this courageous, lovely kid. Removing the maggots gave him the comfort and confidence to eat, and he enjoyed his meal. We knew he’d bloom then. But his timidity kept…

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Dσnna Lσchmann ƙnew she had tσ gσ inνestigate the situatiσn as sσσn as she receiνed a call abσut a scared ρuρρy in the basement σf an abandσned hσme. She was ignσrant σf the fact that a small family was there and needed assistance. Accσrding tσ Lσchmann, the chief lifesaνing σfficer at Stray Rescue σf St. Lσuis, “As sσσn as we gσt σut σf the car, we cσuld hear multiρle babies crying.” After fσllσwing the screams tσ the basement, Lσchmann discσνered three fearful ρuρρies, each arσund six weeƙs σld, yelρing fσr attentiσn. Lσchmann simultaneσusly heard their mσther barƙing in anσther rσσm…

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It’s been a brutal, hard summer for stray animals, tray Rescue of St. Louis shares. And Kanga is one of of the “lost souls” they just saved. His skin tells a terrible story of neglect and pain. His body is so b/r/o/k/e/n down that it has even s/h/o/c/k/e/d the experienced rescuers. “We’ve seen many cases of mange over the last 25 years, but this is one of the most severe,” Stray Rescue of St. Louis writes on Facebook. They shared a number of photos of Kanga, saying, “It breaks our heart” to see how badly off he is. The dog…

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We’ve all heard stories that show just how much a dog’s entire life revolves around the moment they see you again, whether it’s after 10 days or 10 minutes. There was the dog in China who went viral for waiting for his owner at a train station for up to 12 hours a day, the dogs who patiently stood at hospital door anxiously awaiting their sick human, and now, we have Toby. Roman, who now helps run a medium-size carrier company was an optometrist and would generally leave the house 8-10 hours. He said:” He came into my life when…

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In India’s Tadoba-Andhari National Park, an extremely secretive black leopard was recently seen. The beautiful image was discovered by Anurag Gawande, a 24-year-old wildlife photographer. Anurag was on a safari earlier this year when he saw a melanistic leopard trying to hunt a deer cross a road. When the rare wild leopard was discovered, the lucky photographer was only 30 feet away. The 24-year-old couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw such a magnificent creature. “It was unexpected since we expected to see a tiger, but instead we saw a black leopard wandering down the trail,” he added. However, Anurag…

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