Author: Y M

Trabajadores del Departamento de Parques y Recreación de la Ciudad de Nueva York se llevaron una sorpresa con muchas escamas este domingo cuando descubrieron un caimán en el Prospect Park de Brooklyn, según la agencia. Un empleado de mantenimiento del parque vio al caimán en el lago de Prospect Park, informó el portavoz del departamento, Dan Kastanis. El caimán de 1,2 metros estaba en “malas condiciones”, dijo Kastanis. Cortesía: NYC Parks “El animal se encontraba muy adormecido y posiblemente conmocionado por el frío, ya que es nativo de climas cálidos y tropicales”, añadió Kastanis. Miembros de Parks Enforcement Control y…

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El lince ibérico es una especie que solo presenta un celo al año entre diciembre y mayo. En el Parque Nacional de Doñana acaba de ser grabado este vídeo de una pareja de esta escurridiza especie en plena cópula. Captar el apareamiento de una especie en peligro como es el caso del lince ibérico no es tarea sencilla. Sin embargo, en ocasiones, las cámaras de control y estudio consiguen registrar momentos tan singulares como el inicio, desarrollo y culminación de la cópula de dos adultos, como ha sido el caso de estos dos linces ibéricos. Tal y como ha informado el Organismo…

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What an unbelievable sighting of a leopard and python in a full-on brawl for survival. In the wild, it comes down to “survival of the fittest”, and with these two very diverse species going head to head, this action-filled sighting kept the visitors on the edge of their seats! “On the 12th of October, we had guests all the way from the USA staying at &Beyond Kichwa Tembo Camp in the Mara Triangle. On a private afternoon, safari drive with the guests and our guide, Oscar Taiwa, Mike, and Suzie Moll seemed to enjoy the bush and the sightings of the animals.…

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This unlucky crocodile found itself right underneath the feet of the world’s largest land mammal – the African Elephant, and, unfortunately, didn’t make it to see another day as the elephant kills the crocodile! Elephants are generally peaceful and extremely caring animals; however, females can become very aggressive when protecting a young calf. In fact, male elephants in musth can be just as aggressive. We have shared footage of an elephant walking up to a buffalo, stabbing it, and calmly then walking away. An elephant bull stabs and kills a buffalo Not to mention this elephant trampling a rhino AND her…

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Watch how this determined and hungry leopard took extreme measures to make sure he got a piece of food out of a crocodile’s mouth! This opportunistic leopard was spotted stealing a crocodile’s meal right out of its mouth and was filmed by Nicole Dangoor, a 29-year-old Wildlife Documentary Editor at The Bushcamp Company. She shared this incredible sighting with, and tells the story: Nicole and her guests went on a night drive in South Luangwa National Park. They stopped to watch a couple of crocodiles fighting. “We quickly drove up to them to see a Leopard and a hyena waiting…

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We receive many “Tings” on our app daily, keeping our community updated with sightings in real-time around parks and reserves in Africa! In one of these “Tings”, a leopard stashes an impala fetus to feed on later and has the mother for the main course! Once again, the Kruger National Park delivers another spectacular cat sighting! Spring is a popular time of year for wildlife enthusiasts to visit the Lowveld because many of the herbivores give birth with the first rains. The predators take advantage of the influx of helpless babies and heavily laden or, birthing mothers. Sad as these sightings can…

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A huge snake suddenly dropped from the ceiling next to the table, ᴛᴇʀʀɪғʏing the diners in the restaurant. The enormous snake, which resembled a python in appearance, somehow managed to knock loose the roof tiles before slithering through the hole. Customers were enjoying their lunches when they saw the horrified sᴄᴇɴᴇ, sending them fleeing in various directions. As a team of wildlife experts approached the building, diners can be heard chatting tensely in the background. They started by securing the snake with a metal hook, which allowed them to grab its head and then take the snake away. The video…

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On the internet, the horrible images of a sizable snake hanging upside down and attempting to eat a possum that was fully grown went viral. On the family’s horse ranch at Gunalda, ᴄʟᴏsᴇ to Gympie, a coastal carpet python was seen devouring a possum. Ms. Kerr observed soᴍᴇᴛʜing while she and her family were moving horses around 2:00 p.m. She is familiar with snakes, but this was a new experience for her. Sunshine Coast snake ʜᴜɴᴛer Stuart McKenzie claimed he has never seen a carpet python out ʜᴜɴᴛing, despite the fact that they are widespread around the north coast. He…

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Aᴜsᴛʀᴀʟɪᴀn drivers are frequently advised to keep an eye out for animals that wander onto the road. But this snake couldn’t be avoided since a hawk in Queensland tossed it onto a moving automobile. Joanne, a driver, was traveling west of Brisbane ᴄʟᴏsᴇ to the Wivenhoe Dam when the raptor suddenly swooped toward her car. She screamed along with her companions as the bird raced over the road holding a sizable snake in its beak. The serpent was launched through the windscreen at the exact instant the hawk let go of it, as seen on the driver’s dash camera. Joanne…

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A ᴛᴇʀʀɪғʏing encounter between a crocodile and one of the world’s ᴅᴇᴀᴅliest snakes was caught on camera. Dramatic images showed the ᴀᴛᴛᴀᴄᴋers tossing and tumbling in the middle of a furious water ғɪɢʜᴛ. The viper was finally trapped and pummeled under the croc’s huge jaws, then swallowed up by his meal, giving the croc the upper hand. Patent technology specialist Rishani Gunasinghe saw the amazing incident in Sʀɪ Lᴀɴᴋᴀ’s Yala National Park. Rishani said that this was one such occasion. He stumbled upon a small waterhole with a crocodile that most Jeeps appeared to ignore and go right past. He…

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Snakes and mongooses are naturally hostile against one another since a snake must ᴋɪʟʟ a mongoose before a mongoose can ᴋɪʟʟ a snake, and vice versa. They essentially have to ᴋɪʟʟ one another in order to survive, which causes them to dislike one another somewhat. A ғɪɢʜᴛ between a mongoose and a cobra would likely end with the mongoose winning. According to general agreement, a mongoose typically prevails over snakes in roughly 80% of encounters. The mongoose wins because of its successful strategy of assault. The mongoose will continue to lunge and Bɪᴛᴇ at the snake until it is worn…

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Our app receives many tings from parks and reserves around Africa, daily. Keeping our community engaged with sightings in real-time is important to us. This was one of our most recent tings where a coalition of male lions devour a mysterious dead baby elephant! This incredible sighting occurred on the H4-2, near Crocodile Bridge in the Kruger National Park. Where did the mysterious dead baby elephant come from? Once again, we are presented with the mysteries of Mother Nature. Often sightings can cause us to speculate, especially when the action unfolds without witnesses. This was the case when visitors to Kruger…

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She wandering σn the street begging ρeσρle fσr helρ… Thanƙ yσu, Sσfia Fσmicheva, fσr rescuing Mama Dσg and her babies, feeding them, getting them medical care when needed, and finding them fσrever lσving hσmes. Hσw heartbreaƙing tσ see all the hσmeless animals. I ρray σne day this will be a thing σf the ρast. Gσd bless yσu and this beautiful ρreciσus family Full stσry belσw! Please LIKE and SHARE this stσry tσ yσur friends and family!

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The ρσσr dσg suffered a lσt, being met with hatred by every man he went tσ fσr helρ Fahrudin Caƙi Bravσ gσt a reρσrt called fσr helρ a ρσσr dσg wandering σn the street with ρain σn his face. We came tσ helρ and after many days searching finally we fσund and tσσƙ him tσ the Vet fσr treatment. I cannσt imagine what haρρened tσ this ρσσr dσg. Gσd bless him and yσu fσr caring fσr him sσ well. An many ƙudσs tσ the terrific vet team fσr excellent surgeries. Thanƙ all σf yσu fσr getting him thrσugh this extensive…

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Thе dσg clings tσ thе shσrеs σf Lаkе Lуthаm аftеr bеing cаught in thе wаtеr аt night A dσg wаs rеscuеd frσm а lаkе in Lуthаm аftеr bеing trаppеd in thе wаtеr σvеrnight. Thе dσg, whσ wаs а Gеrmаn shеphеrd, wаs fσund σn thе shσrеs σf Lаkе Fаirhаvеn in thе еаrlу hσurs σf this mσrning (Mаrch 25). Lаncаshirе pσlicе аssistеd аnd rеscuеd thе dσg, аlσng with thе Lаncаshirе Firе аnd Rеscuе Sеrvicе аnd thе аssistаncе σf mеmbеrs σf thе public. Thе dσg is wеll аnd sаfе аnd hаs bееn dеlivеrеd tσ thе lσcаl RSPCA. Thе dσg is bеing cаrеd fσr…

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Harold was born into a local puppy mill, which confines mother dogs in small cages and raises hundreds of puppies for profit. Puppy mill animals are at a greater risk of acquiring major birth problems such as heart disease, kidney illness, blood diseases, deafness, and lifelong paralysis due to overbreeding. Harold was sold to an unknowing bidder for $7,000 after taking a few infant breaths. Harold was brought home by his new owner, who nursed him through an upper respiratory illness. Then, without notice, Harold lost the ability to use his back legs due to spine curvature induced by overbreeding…

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Anne Hathaway proved that she was no diva as she checked out of her New York City hotel on Monday. The 38-year-old Oscar-winning actress carried her own luggage, a black duffel bag and a BabyBjörn travel crib, with ease as she walked down the sidewalk. The Devil Wears Prada star was on her way to meet her husband, Adam Schulman, 40, who waited in nearby car. Carry on:  Anne Hathaway held her own luggage, a black duffel bag and a BabyBjörn travel crib, as she walked down the sidewalk Anne sported a casual look, wearing blue ankle jeans, an oversized navy blazer layered over…

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For four years a besotted Anne Hathaway would tell just about anyone who listened that her charismatic boyfriend Raffaello Follieri was ‘a god’. Not only was he, she gushed, ‘sooooo good looking’, but the dashing Italian property developer treated her much like her fictional character in The Princess Diaries, the film that launched her glittering career as a teenager. He whisked her around the world on jets and yachts, spending £87,000 for a private plane to a New Year’s Eve party at fashion designer Oscar De La Renta’s house in the Dominican Republic, where Bill and Hillary Clinton were also guests. There were suites at the…

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She stars as the wife of former billionaire Adam Neumann in the upcoming Apple TV+ series about the rise and fall of his workspace company WeWork. But Anne Hathaway opted for a low-key, casual look as she arrived on the set of WeCrashed on Friday. The 38-year-old Academy Award winner showed off a hint of her tummy in a slim black cropped tank top as she arrived for the day. Back to work: Anne Hathaway, 38, looked cool and casual in a black cropped tank top as she arrived on set in New York City on Friday for her Apple TV+ series…

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Anne Hathaway was spotted working on the New York City set of the upcoming biographical drama series WeCrashed on Wednesday. The 38-year-old actress appeared to be in a serious mood as she sported a nearly all-black outfit and kept her eyes fixated on the ground while moving around the project’s production area. The upcoming series is based on the rise and fall of startup WeWork, and it is set to make its debut on the AppleTV+ streaming service in the near future. Going monotone: Anne Hathaway sported a nearly all-black outfit while working on the New York City set of the upcoming series…

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Siempre nos referimos a los leones, tigres, leopardos o guepardos como “grandes felinos”… Sin embargo solo uno de estos animales es realmente un felino. Te explicamos cuál es y por qué el resto no lo son. Toda la vida hemos pensado que animales como los leones o los tigres son felinos, pero científicamente hablando, no lo son. El motivo es que el término “felino” tiene un significado diferente en el lenguaje común del que tiene en la ciencia. En realidad, deberíamos referirnos a estos animales como félidos. ¿QUÉ ES UN FÉLIDO Y QUÉ UN FELINO? Los félidos (Felidae) son una familia…

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Estos órganos electrosensoriales permiten a los tiburones detectar a sus presas y eludir a sus depredadores, orientarse en sus largas migraciones en el océano abierto e incluso comunicarse entre ellos y establecer relaciones sociales. Matar o morir es una de las reglas inquebrantables de la naturaleza. Así, en todo ecosistema existen una serie de relaciones establecidas entre las especies que lo conforman en las que todas compiten por los recursos disponibles, estableciéndose a lo largo de millones de años una jerarquía, la famosa cadena o pirámide alimentaria, en la que solo unos pocos animales son los elegidos para alzarse en la…

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Desde hace décadas algunos zoos proporcionan a los cachorros de guepardo unos hermanos adoptivos peculiares: perros, que les ayudan a ganar confianza y aumentar las posibilidades de que se reproduzcan. Es bien sabido que el perro es el mejor amigo de las personas y que su compañía tiene un efecto terapéutico: los perros de terapia están presentes en programas para niños con dificultades para relacionarse, así como en programas de rehabilitación en prisiones. Y de hecho no solo son buenos amigos de las personas, sino que a menudo también hacen buenas migas con otros animales domésticos. Pero, ¿pueden llegar a ser…

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This intense moment unravels as a hornbill underestimates its victim and the dead snake fights back and chokes the bird – Was the meal worth the risk? This insane sighting happened just North of Satara in the Kruger National Park. Bev Field, a 50-year-old house executive witnessed this intense moment during a visit and shared the story with “We came across a family of southern ground hornbills foraging. There were 4 adults and 1 juvenile. We watched them for a while and then noticed that the juvenile was feeding on a snake and seemed to be struggling.” “We realized…

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