Author: hpteam

During a business trip to Dhi Qar in 2016, Iraqi Transport Minister Kazim Finjan made a shocking announcement. The Sumerians, he claims, had their own spaceport and actively went around the solar system. The Sumerians were an advanced civilisation that existed roughly 5000 years ago between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in Mesopotamia, which eventually became Babylonia and is now in Iraq and Syria. The Sumerian pyramids are not inferior to the Egyptian pyramids in terms of architectural splendor. Several explanations about the function of the ziggurats (huge buildings created in ancient Mesopotamia), including ufologists’ curiosity, have been offered. Nobody…

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After reading this touching tale, we won’t need any additional evidence that a dog’s loyalty is unquestionable. The tale of Leo, a devoted dog in Thailand who has spent nearly four years waiting for his owners in the same spot, recently went viral on social media. The fact that a tale like this can only have one happy conclusion is the best part! When the poor dog’s owner unintentionally abandoned him close to a gas station four years ago, everything started. In the interim, people fed the dog in an effort to assist him. Leo escaped and went back to…

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A heartbroken dog cannot handle the loss of his owner. He sobs on his tomb, unable to cope with his loss. This is a true example of how deep emotions dσgs spread towards their owners. Wiley the wolf-dog had been so devoted to its late owner, Gladys, that it was difficult for him to comprehend that she had died. A distressing video shows the bereaved dog wailing uncontrollably at Gladys’ burial while lying sadly on her gravestone. The video, which has touched the hearts of thousands of viewers, shows Wiley sobbing and shaking as family members gather around him. In…

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Dogs are the ideal illustration of unwavering loyalty when it comes to humans. An in-depth illustration of such is in this tale. An aged dog in that abandoned residence was reported by a friendly neighbor who phoned Animal – Safe Shelter. “A scenario that stopped me from crying. In the yard of the abandoned house, an elderly dog was resting down.” He had an owner, but the owner passed away from cancer two years ago. Snow was left homeless and on the streets ever since. He left the front door in the morning to go for food, and he came…

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However, Ms. Gertrude (that’s Gertie, for all you humans) loves to keep things simple and, well, cozy. Some senior dogs appreciate the flare of extravagant bucket lists. This 14-year-old purebred “Who Knows What,” as her mother refers to her, is on a straightforward yet lofty quest: she wants to get 1,000 hugs. In the 107-degree heat of Arizona, Gertie and her young canine brother Pablo were left behind at a McDonald’s. Despite a popular Facebook appeal, no one volunteered to house the couple. Gertie was already 12 years old, and Pablo the Chihuahua wasn’t the best with people. …

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The reality for stray puppies is often marked by a chain of misfortunes, some more unfortunate than others, but all of them leave them with physical and emotional wounds that only with the help of true animal lovers can they overcome. This is the story of Mateo, an adorable puppy who was rescued from the streets of Chillán-Chile with an unfortunate state of health. Mateo is a white poodle. His owners abandoned him with a severe injury to his hind legs , completely malnourished and lacking the strength to be able to face everything that a street dog must tolerate. Luckily, he was seen in…

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How is it possible that thousand-year-old depictions of the Anunnaki show the gods carrying a mysterious bag, and halfway around the world, we find the same thing depicted by ancient Mesoamerican civilizations? Represented by the ancient Sumerian representations of the Anunnaki, the mysterious ‘handbag’ of the Gods is seen in several cultures in America and Göbekli Tepe (Turkey). Compelling evidence—found in the last couple of decades—has proven humanity is a species with amnesia. The countless discoveries made all across the globe have forced us to question everything about the origin of humanity, ancient cultures, and history in general. Slowly and…

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Egyptologists argue the massive 100-ton sarcophagi were built to house the remains of the sacred Api Bulls. The modern country we see today was built atop thousands and thousands of years of history crafted by countless pharaohs and rulers that reigned over the land of the golden sands and the River Nile. And while we have uncovered many of ancient Egypt’s histories and secrets, many more remain hidden beneath the sands of the land of the pharaohs, waiting for the day when adventurous explorers will uncover that which has remained hidden for millennia. One of the granite sarcophagi in the…

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Surely we cannot understand how there are people with hard hearts, people who put us to shame. How to understand a person who says he is human and lets his pet die? What kind of person is in front of his beloved child who is dying day by day and is still alone in front of his loving eyes as if begging and not touching his conscience? It’s not a movie, it’s the case of this dog, who was on the verge of death possibly being saved, literally at her last minute the lifeguards came to don’t let that breath go away forever.…

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About 100 years ago, the desert town of Kolmanskop in Namibia once flourished, but now it has become a “ghost” town and is gradually submerged by desert sand. Kolmanskop is a “ghost town” in the Namib desert in southern Namibia. This place is small but used to be a very famous diamond. After discovering this area full of diamonds, hundreds of “hunters” from Germany focused on Kolmanskop, making remote areas prosper. Kolmanskop is built in the architectural style of a German town, with full facilities and play areas such as casino, cinema, swimming pool, ballroom, power plant, ice factory, .…

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If you were to stroll through West London’s Brompton Cemetery, you’d notice that – above the gothic tombs, the Celtic crosses, the ivy-strangled gravestones – there looms a strange and imposing mausoleum. By far the graveyard’s largest, this house of death rises up from its own circle of land, a circle positioned at a crossroads of cemetery paths – a circle that seems a psychic and symbolic central point. Intrigued by how the tomb towers over the other grave markers, you might move closer and observe its Neo-Egyptian design. You might suspect this mausoleum has generated legends. Coming closer still,…

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The drama of stray dogs causes us animal lovers a lot of sadness. Forced to fight tosurvive in the midst of the most unhealthy and inhospitable conditions, coupled with the indolence of humans, who reject them and do not feel compassion, much less offer them a helping hand. But on the other side of these stories, fortunately, more and more organizations, driven by empathy and solidarity, fight tirelessly to rescue any vulnerable animals. any merchant who crosses their path. The effort and dedication that some cases deserve, reaches an unquestionable level. But despite that, they never give up and do everything until they see true creatures…

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In ancient times, the world also had a list of 7 wonders that were rated as the most monumental, beautiful and meaningful. But many buildings of the past were destroyed by natural disasters or humans and no longer exist today. Digital artist and graphic designer Yevgeny Kazantsev has done a very interesting set of photos, reconstructing the ancient wonders of the world based on historical documents and remnants. Eugene staged these designs with the assumption that the buildings still exist in a modern context. The designer’s project is appreciated for its artistic and historical value and brings viewers back to…

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Whether in the forest or under the sea, public toilets impress anyone when compared to its uniqueness. Here are 11 unique public toilets in the world listed by the British Evening Standard. Kawakawa, New Zealand The work of designer Friedensreich Hundertwasser, the restrooms in Kawakawa area are both tourist attractions and art works of international stature made from recycled materials such as plastic bottles, pottery and glass cups. color They also occupy the title of the most photographed toilet in New Zealand. San Blas, Panama This small toilet sits on a long white sandy beach when visitors walk on a…

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“He probably wouldn’t have lived another 12 hours. It was that close.” A passerby was out for a walk in Laurens, South Carolina, the night of Tuesday, August 7, when they spotted a dog chained up outside a house, lying motionless on the ground. The dog’s skeletal frame made it hard to believe that the animal was alive — but against all odds, the dog was still breathing. The Good Samaritan snapped a photo of the emaciated mastiff mix and reported him to animal control. Officers quickly arrived on the scene, freed the dog from his heavy leather collar and…

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