Los tatuajes figurativos más antiguos del mundo descubiertos en momias egipcias de 5.000 años de antigüedad

Se han descubierto tatuajes de animales y motivos que datan de entre 3351 y 3017 a. C. en dos cuerpos momificados naturalmente de Egipto. Usando tecnología infrarroja, se…

Israel discovers a 3,300-year-old cave “frozen in time” from Ramesses II’s reign

“This is a discovery of a lifetime.” Within a few yards of a beach south of Tel Aviv, archaeologists in Israel have uncovered a “extraordinary” cave that ancient…

The’shark graveyard’ in Western Australia provides a glimpse of a prehistoric monster, the megalodon shark

Deep on the sea floor of the remote Western Australian coast, scientists discovered a “shark graveyard” containing hundreds of fossilised teeth, including those of a close relative of…

Nuevo Estudio Revela Nueva Evidencia de Un océano Habitable en Plutón

Imágenes de la sonda ‘New Horizons’ sugieren que el planeta alberga tanta agua salada como la Tierra. Una simulación de la formación del Sputnik Planum apoya la idea…

Hubble Observes Magellanic-Type Dwarf Irregular Galaxy

The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has produced a spectacularly detailed image of an isolated dwarf irregular galaxy called NGC 1156. This Hubble image shows NGC 1156, a dwarf…

Webb Finds Protocluster of Galaxies in Early Universe

Astronomers from the University of Cambridge and elsewhere have analyzed the spectroscopic and photometric data from three instruments (NIRSpec, NIRISS and NIRCam) on board the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb…

Astronomers Solve Mystery of Missing Gaseous Carbon Monoxide in Protoplanetary Disks

Carbon monoxide is ultra-bright and extremely common in protoplanetary disks, making it a prime target for astronomers. But a huge chunk of carbon monoxide is missing in all…

Water-World Super-Earth Found in Nearby Binary System

Astronomers using NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) and the SPIRou spectropolarimeter on the 3.6-m Canada-France-Hawaii telescope have discovered a temperate super-Earth exoplanet orbiting a red dwarf in the binary system TOI-1452. An artistic…

NASA explores a winter wonderland on Mars

The coldest time of year on the Red Planet is marked by cube-shaped snow, frozen landscapes, and frost. When winter comes to Mars, the surface is transformed into…

Planet spiralling into star may offer glimpse into Earth’s end

Astronomers have discovered a planet that is spiraling towards a catastrophic collision with its aging sun for the first time, maybe providing a look into how Earth might…

40 Beheaded Roman Skeletons With Skulls Between Their Legs Have Been Discovered By Archaeologists

About 40 beheaded skeletons were among 425 bodies found in a late Roman cemetery uncovered by archeologists in southern England. Specialists scoυriпg the roυte for sites of historic…

The largest known triceratops’ remains, known as “Big John,” fetch roughly €6.6 million

The fossilized remains of “Big John” were purchased on Thursday at a private auction in Paris for $6.65 million ($7.74 million) by an unidentified American collector. The largest…