Spain’s Killing Fields: dig unearths dozens of Civil War era ᴅᴇᴀᴅ

VALLADOLID, Spain (Reuters) – Archaeologists brush soil away from skeletons lying twisted in an open grave, some wearing decayed leather boots, in a cypress-lined municipal cemetery in central…

Ancient Egyptian Priest’s Stolen Green Coffin Was Returned to Egypt by the US

Conny Waters – – The sarcophagus belonged to an ancient Egyptian priest of Heracleopolis city, Ankh In Maat, and dates from the Late Period (664-332 BC). Known as…

Ancient Pyramids Discovered Underground in Italy

The first Etruscan pyramid-like building was actually discovered very recently in the city of Orvieto, Italy. Only around three years or so, depending on when you’re reading this…

Surprise the most famous beauty mummies in the world: The beautiful one, the one who carries the terrible curse

Over the years, many mummies have been found by humans in different locations on Earth. Emerging among these are several thousand-year-old beauties mummies. These bodies are unbelievably intact….

DNA From Indigenous Australians, Neanderthals, And Denisovans Has Been Discovered In Ancient South America.

DNA from Native Australians, Neanderthals, and Denisovans was discovered in ncient South mericans in a new study. The discoveries make it more difficυlt to υпderstaпd the exact origiпs…

Rabbit hole leads to incredible 700-year-old Knights Templar cave complex

An outstanding discovery was made when a 700-year-old Knights Templar cave was found beneath a farmer’s field in Shropshire, England, in a complex known as the Caynton Caves…

Pool of Siloam Where Jesus Healed a Blind Man To Be Fully Excavated

The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) has announced that the 2,700-year-old Pool of Siloam, which is believed to have been used as a ritual bath by the ancient residents…

Archaeologists Have Uncovered A 6,500-year-old “Noah” Skeleton That Had Been Preserved In The Basement For 85 Years.

At the Penn Museum in Philadelphia, scientists are figuratively taking the skeletons out of their closets. Mυseυm staff receпtly rediscovered a 6,500-year- old hυmaп skeletoп that’s beeп boxed…

Drought Reveals “Spanish Stonehenge” Older Than the Pyramids

After 50 years of immersion on the bottom of a basin, in Spain, a 5,000-year-old monument emerged. There are 144 granite blocks on the megalithic site, which are…

Leaked Information There’s Another One On The Moon: Nasa Has Keeped This Huge Secret

Since ancient times people have studied the Moon with the eyes and intent of a researcher, hoping to find something extraordinary. In the 1960s, the Brookings Report detailed…

5 mind-blowing discoveries at the Great Pyramids of Giza that amaze experts with the Mysterious Gap

Not all secrets of ancient Egypt are buried beneath the golden sands. Thousands of years ago, massive, towering structures were built in the desert. Rising hundreds of meters…

Dinosaur-Eating Galloping Crocodiles Once Existed in the Sahara Desert

Believe it or not, but 100 million years ago the area of the present-day scorching hot Sahara Desert was a lush swamp home not just to dinosaurs, but…