Egypt’s pharaonic treasure trove of Saqqara still holds secrets waiting to be unlocked

Egyptologist Zahi Hawass explain the intricacies of handling statues poses at Egypt’s Saqqara necropolis, south of Cairo, on Jan. 17, 2021. CAIRO: More than a hundred years after…

El “Odiseο” barcο, que es el пaufragiο más aпtiguο del muпdο, ha sidο descubiertο eп el Mar Negrο.

  Los arqueólogos han encontrado lo que creen que es el naufragio intacto más antiguo del mundo en el fondo del Mar Negro, donde parece haber permanecido intacto…

Researchers in South Africa have discovered a rare skeleton that is 3.6 million years old.

After 20 years of slow and careful excavation, the world’s most complete skeleton of an ancient human ancestor has just been discovered. It belongs to the genus Αustralopithecus,…

Find a Pleisticean lob head that is 30,000 years old and a Siberian ermafra.

A perfectly preserved head of a large wolf has been unearthed from the melting permafrost of eastern Siberia. The head of a wolf from the Pleistocene. Image credit:…

Las dos lunas de Marte en realidad son fragmentos de una luna mayor desaparecida, según un nuevo estudio

Marte tiene dos lunas: Fobos y Deimos, pero no se parecen mucho a nuestro propio satélite. Ambas son pequeñas y tienen una forma tremendamente irregular. Un nuevo estudio aporta pruebas que…

Megalodon Became Extinct 2.6 Million Years Ago

Carcharocles megalodon, the largest shark that ever lived on Earth, became extinct approximately 2.6 million years ago, according to a new analysis of its fossil record carried out…

Did AI Just Detect Alien Life? Peter Ma’s Groundbreaking SETI Research Unveils Unseen Signals

Renowned scientist Peter Ma has successfully harnessed the power of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) in processing data amassed by the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Institute,…

Hombre descubre enorme tesoro dorado protegido por una serpiente

En el ámbito de la caza del tesoro y las leyendas antiguas, las historias de descubrimientos extraordinarios y protectores míticos nos han fascinado durante mucho tiempo. El extraordinario…

Proof of aliens or just a smooth rock? UFO hunters claim to have found a MARBLE on Mars, in latest bizarre claim

If there is life on Mars it could be playing games, according to conspiracy theorists who claim to have spotted a small marble in the Martian soil. Captured…

Amazing 30,000-year-old mammoth corpse unearthed by little boy, revealing a piece of history.

  That sounds like an exciting discovery! The uncovering of a 30,000-year-old mammoth carcass is indeed a remarkable find that provides valuable insights into our planet’s past. Mammoths…

Treasure Discovered in 350-year-old Sunken Ship at Ocean’s Bottom

Previously, expedition teams from Spain, England, France, the Netherlands, the Bahamas, the United States… have made countless searches since the time the ship was wrecked. Recently, archaeologists were…

Incredible UFO Video: A Fleet Of Mysterious Spheres Of Light Over The Bay Of Bengal UFO & Aliens

In the next video, you’ll see incredible and breath-taking footage of a fleet of mysterious light spheres caught over the Bay of Bengal in India. At the end…