A young man makes a lot of money remodeling his house, you should try with your house once

The discovery of gold ornaments and antiques while digging a plot of land in southern India has sparked excitement and interest among local residents and authorities. The hoard,…

The mystery of the frozen mammoth carcass in Siberia

While the cause of the Ice Age still remains a mystery for mainstream scientists, the frozen mammoth carcasses found in Siberia have also challenged our imagination for centuries….

Tutankhamun: 5 unanswered questions about Egypt’s Boy King – how he died and what’s in his tomb

Known as the ‘boy king’, Tutankhamun has captured the world’s attention for more than a century, after his tomb was uncovered in 1922. He is believed to have…

Join the Hunt: Astronomers Need Help Finding Asteroids Hurtling Through Our Solar System

The University of Arizona Lunar and Planetary Laboratory has created an online portal as part of the NASA-funded Catalina Sky Survey, allowing the public to assist in identifying…

The Most Beaυtifυl Tomb – Egyptiaп Αrchaeologists Uпcover Qυeeп Neith’s Never-before-seeп Pyramid

Α team of archaeologists iп Saqqara receпtly υпearthed the pyramid of Qυeeп Neith — who they didп’t eveп kпow existed υпtil пow. Αlmost exactly 100 years after the…

Scientists discover mummies a millennium ago in extreme cold

ArcheologyFor example, a recent review of pre-Columbian remains found evidence of trauma due to violence in 21% of men. Until now, most studies of this type have focused…

Finally Discovered: Shackleton’s Famous Antarctic Shipwreck Endurance

Sir Ernest Shackleton’s lost Endurance shipwreck has Ƅeen discoʋered at the Ƅottoм of Antarctica’s Weddell Sea. And while this isn’t a discoʋery froм the ancient world, it packs…

The catacombs at Kom El Shoqafa include the largest Roman burial site in Egypt.

Located in Alexandria, Egypt the catacoмƄs of Koм el Shoqafa is one of the Seʋen Wonders of the Medieʋal Ages. It’s an archaeological site of great iмportance. The…

La Pirámide de la Luna en México tiene un “pasaje al inframundo” debajo de ella. Busque esqueletos con cráneos extrañamente distorsionados

Los arqueólogos han descubierto un trullo secreto y una cavidad escondida debajo de una pirámide en México que se cree que ha estado dedicada a los rituales toltecas…

Las misteriosas pirámides y túneles bosnios de 30.000 años de antigüedad en la historia mundial

Casi todo lo que nos enseñan sobre la historia antigua está mal: origen de los hombres, civilizaciones y pirámides. El homo sapiens sapien no es el resultado de…

Hallan un enorme agujero en la atmósfera de Marte que permite que el agua escape

Este es el aspecto que el planeta debió de tener hace varios miles de millones de añosUna vez cada dos años, un gigantesco agujero se abre en la…

NASA has only mapped 40% of the potentially dangerous asteroids that could crash into Earth. New projects will boost that number, and upcoming missions will test tech that could prevent collisions.

The Earth exists in a dangerous environment. Cosmic bodies, like asteroids and comets, are constantly zooming through space and often crash into our planet. Most of these are…