
UFOs are piloted by humans from the future, that’s why they don’t make contact

Investigations related to aliens and UFOs have fostered different theories. However, there is one that, even the scientific community, has seen as possible… Could they be humans from the future?

According to different testimonies of people who had encounters with extraterrestrials , in addition to the studies and research carried out, there is the possibility that these beings are humans from the future.

This controversial theory has even been present in scientific debates in recent years, which would open up a whole universe of possibilities to explain the existence of UFOs.

Aliens could be humans from the future

Why do aliens communicate in our languages ? How can they access our atmosphere without any problem ? Why do they insist on studying us genetically ?

They are supposed to be more advanced civilizations , technologically and biologically . So what is your interest in the Earth and humanity?

Perhaps it is because their origin is not as far away as we think and they come from Earth . Obviously, not “ours”, but thousands of years older .

This theory suggests that aliens and UFOs that have been seen for years are actually humans from the future . The reason for visiting us, as there could be several, however, the most likely that your future is in ruins and on the verge of extinction .

These beings would travel to our present and participate in clandestine programs to harvest DNA , cells, sperm and eggs to try to save what is left of their world.

Knowing that the people of the 20th and 21st century had a strong belief in extraterrestrial life , they decided to adopt these “forms” and camouflage themselves, so that we cannot discover their real identity.

Revealing testimony?

Jim Penniston , one of the military witnesses to the most important UFO incident in England, the famous Redenlesham Forest encounter in Suffolk, made a statement on this subject.

This event happened in 1980 , however, Penniston underwent hypnotic regression in 1994, as part of an attempt to recall those memories that his head had suppressed.

During hypnosis, he declared that what he thought were aliens, were humans from the far future.

“It’s very dark, in infinitely deep trouble, tainted, and where the Human Race is overwhelmingly afflicted with reproductive issues.”

Penniston learned about this problem thanks to one of these humans from the future that he met in the forest.

But how did they manage to travel in time? It is something that not even the military himself knows, because they were never told.

There are several hypotheses that could explain this, one of them being wormholes, a term coined in 1957 by theoretical physicist John Wheeler .

A wormhole is basically a shortcut through space and time. Although they have not yet been able to be 100% proven by science, they have not been ruled out.

Obviously, this is one more theory that, like many others, also has some holes. To date there is no proof of space travel or that humans from the future have traveled to our days.

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