
Giant creature like a prehistoric sea monster washes up on the British coast

Recently, people near the coast of Hartland Quay, County Devon, southwest England were shocked because a giant animal as big as a double-decker bus suddenly appeared.

This ancient sea beast probably lived in freshwater — but it's not the Loch Ness monster | CBC Radio

Pictures taken by local police show the animal’s incredible size, its huge body sprawled across large rocks.

An adult baleen whale can grow up to 27m long and weigh 120 tons. (photo: unilad)

Locals believe that the monster had been dead for a long time, then the body had decomposed before being washed ashore by the waves. It may have died from illness, but it could also have been due to collisions with boats, entanglement in fishermen’s nets or even environmental pollution.

Top 10 Terrifying Prehistoric Sea Monsters - | Dinosaur pictures, Prehistoric animals, Ancient animals

According to Mirror, this animal was in fact identified as a giant jawed baleen whale. An adult baleen whale can grow up to 27m long and weigh 120 tons.

While people were curious to come close to take a look, the police warned people not to go near the whale carcass because it could be harmful to health.

Police have warned people not to go near the whale’s carcass as it could be harmful to health. (photo: unilad)

Stephen Marsh, a representative of the British rescue force, said they are waiting for the high tide to wash the whale carcass into the sea so that it decomposes in a natural way, otherwise they will have to move the carcass to another place. to avoid polluting the environment.

Source: nhadep99

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