
The Mystery Of The Wandjina: Ancient Alien Astronauts In Australia

The legends of the Wandjina, the Australian Aborigines, are quite perplexing to say the least. They are believed to be the supreme spirit beings who created humanity and Earth in ancient time.

They were first discovered on a series rock and cave walls in Australia. The images show them as being humanoid-like creatures with white faces, no mouth and large black eyes. They also have a halo around the heads.

Some people believe they can spot a helmet on their heads.

The pictographs shown above were discovered by Dr. Andreas Lommel who was a member at the Frobenius Insтιтute. He ended up spending several months among the Aboriginal tribe Unambal on the northwestern side.

It is believed that they have lived in the area for over 60,000 years. Their rendition of the Wandjina, however, is legendary among the locals.

It is often believed that they were references to Grey aliens, who came to Earth millions and years ago. The grey faces are a result of this.

Legends say that Earth was created from the great Ungut snake and that the Milky Way was created from the Wallanganda, another huge celestial serpent.

These two snakes formed the Wandjina, which in turn created all life on Earth.


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