
The 33,500-year-old dinosaur horn makes scientists question: Did humans live at the same time as dinosaurs?

The fossil record found in May 2012 challenged the idea that all dinosaurs went extinct about 65 million years ago.

In May 2012, a fossil horn belonging to the triceratops dinosaur was discovered in Dawson County, Montana, USA. Notably, after analyzing the carbon age inside the horn, the researchers discovered this fossil specimen dating back to nearly 34,000 years ago.

This evidence challenges the idea that all dinosaurs went extinct about 65 million years ago. 34,000 years ago was also the time when humans appeared and gathered into civilized tribes around the world. This discovery has raised many questions: Has humans ever encountered or even lived with many giant reptiles?

The 33,500-year-old dinosaur horn makes scientists question: Did humans live at the same time as dinosaurs?  - Photo 1.

The subjectivity of the old generation of archeology

Until recently, carbon-14 fossil dating technology has been widely applied in archeology. However, older generation archaeologists never thought about using Carbon-14 technology to re-date the dinosaur fossil bones found before.

The main reason comes from the obvious thought that dinosaurs went extinct tens of millions of years ago, while Carbon-14 technology only gives reliable results for fossils dating from 55,000 years ago. .

This time, researchers in the field of anomalous science, with new evidence, stated: ” By careful analysis and application of new technologies with valuable fossil evidence, we believe that dinosaurs still existed after the disaster 65 million years ago. They were even able to maintain the breed until 23,000 years ago .”

The 33,500-year-old dinosaur horn makes scientists question: Did humans live at the same time as dinosaurs?  - Photo 2.

Triceratops’ 34,000-year-old horn found in Montana.

Triceratops, one of the most ‘famous’ dinosaurs, is a genus of herbivorous ceratopsid clade that first appeared during the late Cretaceous period. They are thought to have gone extinct during the Cretaceous event that took place 66 million years ago.

The case of the Triceratops horn in Montana is not unique. Many of the Carbon-14 tests were gradually applied to other dinosaur fossils. Surprisingly, many of them give results dating back thousands of years instead of millions of years as expected. After sorting, the fossils usually show a date between 23,000 years ago and 39,000 years ago.

The 33,500-year-old dinosaur horn makes scientists question: Did humans live at the same time as dinosaurs?  - Photo 3.

3D image of the 3-horned dinosaur Triceraptops was reconstructed by scientists

The idea that dinosaurs went extinct tens of millions of years ago was born by paleontologists and geologists. These scientists are all very confident in their points, but they have not been able to explain some of the strange details shown in the ancient artworks.

6000 years ago, the Indians built the Vittala temple with many sculptures depicting life forms on the rock. Notably, visitors coming here can spot two creatures that are very similar to dinosaurs.

While the Brontosaurus-like creature is controversial for its camel-like appearance, the other image clearly bears the characteristics of the saber-back Stegosaurus. These are both large reptiles that lived in the Cretaceous period.

The 33,500-year-old dinosaur horn makes scientists question: Did humans live at the same time as dinosaurs?  - Photo 4.

2 creatures found at the ancient Indian temple Vittala. The creature on the left resembles a dinosaur from the clade Brontosaurus, while the creature on the right resembles the saberback Stegosaurus.

At a similar time, the Tapestry stone mural at the church de Blois depicts a mother and her son a strange creature shaped like a platypus dinosaur of the species Spinorhinus.

The most abundant is the treasure of sculptures of the ancient Acambiro people. Among the ancient sculptures appear many shapes of dinosaurs, even depicting warriors riding dinosaurs, or playing with baby dinosaurs.

Longer than that, the Triceraptors themselves also appear quite a lot in the cave drawings scattered in all 4 continents: Asia, Europe, Africa, America.

The 33,500-year-old dinosaur horn makes scientists question: Did humans live at the same time as dinosaurs?  - Photo 5.

Descriptions of creatures with a similar appearance to dinosaurs of ancient cultures.

Images of dinosaurs in ancient art and culture appear in many parts of the world, with accurate descriptions that coincide with the results of reconstructing dinosaur images thanks to today’s modern technology.

In addition, scientists believe that ancient humans did not have enough knowledge and technology to understand and assemble dinosaur fossil bones into complete skeletons. Therefore, it was difficult for ancient people to imagine the detailed appearance of dinosaurs, unless they had actually seen them with their own eyes.

According to ancient images, there are about 10 types of dinosaurs that still exist until the time of man. Many of them are likely to have been transformed into different mystical creatures in the treasure of myths and world legends.



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