Today, a proud mother told how she defied the odds of 2,000,000-1 to spontaneously conceive three identical triplets. Mother Melanie Thornton, 33, said: “Sometimes I just sit and stare at them and think… ‘Husband Martin, 27, convinces Melanie to try for another child even though the couple have already had another child. has a daughter Tia, 13 years old. They found out on Valentine’s Day last year that Melanie was expecting – but were left stunned after a 12-week hospital stay. Scanning detects triplets.
Identical sisters were born more than seven weeks premature at Torbay Hospital on August 25. Boe was born at first 3lbs 3oz, Mika was born a minute later at 3lbs 1oz and baby Hope ended up being just 3lbs 1oz. weighs 2lbs 13oz. Melanie said: “I’ve seen photos of premature babies before so I thought they looked a bit weird, but they’re not – they’re perfectly formed tiny babies. They were and they didn’t need any help or anything with breathing – just a small tube to get food.
“They are content and happy children. They love to cuddle. They hold hands and love to hold hands.” Their favorite way is with Mika in the middle, and she holds both of their hands. “The living room looks like Mothercare and the washing machine is constantly on. When I feed them and burp them, it takes a lot of balance, juggling and holding the bottle, but of course, it’s worth it. “I really can’t remember the life when my family was only half. ”
Each month, the couple from Paignton, Devon, bulk purchase nearly 100 liters of infant formula for triplets and have curated special garbage collections to dispose of more than 200 soiled diapers per week. Melanie admits that from the very beginning, she was surprised how strange her second pregnancy felt compared to the time she was expecting her eldest daughter Tia. The mother said: “Before the shoot, I said something that felt really different.
“When they told me, I just burst out laughing and asked ‘where’s the camera?’ I think it must have been a joke, a setup. “When they were born at last, it was great to finally see them – I didn’t know who to go to first, to touch or to talk to someone first. “Now that we’ve brought them home, people keep asking to come help me because I have three. But they’re great – they all slept through the night. If I split them up, they start crying – the closer together, the better.”