
12,500-Year-Old Massive Sphinx Found in Pakistan (video)

Sphinxes have always been amazing discoveries that bear the test of time and share a wide host of tales, to say the least. Each and every one of them has begun hundreds, if not thousands, of conversations with researchers across the globe.

You can only guess everyone’s reaction as reports arrived that another sphinx has been uncovered in Balochistan, Pakistan, 6000 miles away from the most famous find of all history, the Sphinx of Giza, Egypt.

This is another fantastic piece of the jigsaw in the world of conspirators since it points to the development of the hypothesis that an ancient culture that was much older than the Egyptians had constructed constructs such as Sphinxes and other buildings that did not survive the test of time, unfortunately enough.

Experts have claimed that the Balochistan Sphinx was formed by natural occurrences and that at most the parallels with the Giza Sphinx are nothing more than mere chance.

This conclusion has split the researchers into two sides, one that accepts this idea and the other that rejects this and states that this is clear proof to prove otherwise.

Over time, more and more visitors began to visit the site, and they ended up dismissing the idea of coincidental art that Graham Hancock had begun.

The Sphinx is thought to be well over 12,500 years old and from its presence, is in a rather clean state, unlike some archeological finds that have been described as unquestionably man-made in the past.



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