
UFO Sighting Footage Over Highway Goes Viral (video)

The following video was captured in Morelia, Mexico, over a busy highway by a random onlooker who was stuck in a roadblock.

What really stands out about this video, to begin with, is that as opposed to most any other UFO sighting this one appears to just sort of be standing there, floating about without a care in the world.

The video is definitely decent for the most part, and you can even hear the driver try to get a different angle to get a better snapshot. We can applaud him for this because this was a herculean task considering the busy road.

The UFO also appears to be extremely quiet as even though cars are currently driving around it, it appears mostly quiet with little or no noise coming from it.

Its elegant performance in the air also makes it seem very sophisticated in nature. According to eyewitnesses, the video was captured in the state of Michoacán on March 27th, to this day experts are still trying to figure out if it’s real or fake.

We express our gratitude to Carlos Arriola for capturing this footage, as he was forced to quickly change locations when traffic started moving again. Could this be the alien spaceship, or is it the Reptilian one instead? What do you have to say?.


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