
Skinwalker Ranch

The mystery is nothing but the strange images that live in your mind, haunting forever. A cattle ranch in northwestern Utah, United States sketched the same thing to the life of Sherman family decades ago. Many have claimed it to be a supernatural place. While others have deemed it “cursed.” Terry Sherman got so spooked by the happenings on his new cattle ranch that he sold the 512-acre property, now known by many as “Skinwalker Ranch,” away within 18 months after moving his family of four to the place.

Contents  ▴ I. What Happened To The Sherman Family At Skinwalker Ranch?II. Finding The Evidence Of Paranormal Activities At Skinwalker Ranch:III. What People Do Think About The Strange Stories Of Skinwalker Ranch?IV. The Strange History That Makes The Region Of Skinwalker Ranch More Mysterious:V. What’s New?V.I. Hunt For The Skinwalker: A Documentary Based On NIDSci Project:

What Happened To The Sherman Family At Skinwalker Ranch?

Skinwalker Ranch homeImage courtesy/Prometheus Entertainment

Terry and his wife Gwen share their bone-chilling story of true experience with a local reporter in June 1996. According to the Sherman family, upon moving onto the property, they noticed bolts screwed into both sides of the windows, doors, and even kitchen cabinets. They’d seen mysterious crop circles, UFOs, and the systematic and repeated mutilation of their cattle — in an oddly surgical and bloodless manner. They further claimed to see Bigfoot-like creatures and to hear weird noises nonstop.

Within ninety days of the publication of this strange yet eerie story, Las Vegas real estate magnate and UFO enthusiast Robert Bigelow bought the “Skinwalker Ranch” property for $200,000.

Finding The Evidence Of Paranormal Activities At Skinwalker Ranch:

robert bigelow skinwalker ranch

Robert Bigelow purchased the property three months after reading about the Sherman family’s paranormal experiences. Wikipedia

Under the name the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDSci), Robert Bigelow set up round-the-clock surveillance of the ranch, hoping to collect the real evidence of the paranormal claims. NIDSci project is the most intensive scientific study of a UFO and paranormal hotspot in human history, which shuttered in 2004.

Skinwalker Ranch mapImage/Prometheus Entertainment

The results gained from that surveillance influenced George Knapp and Colm A. Kelleher to create a book, “Hunt for the Skinwalker: Science Confronts the Unexplained at a Remote Ranch in Utah,” in which several of the researchers claimed to have experienced paranormal activities. However, they were unable to capture any meaningful physical evidence supporting the Shermans’ incredible stories.

Later in 2016, the mysterious property was resold to Adamantium Real Estate, which has since applied to trademark the name “Skinwalker Ranch.”

What People Do Think About The Strange Stories Of Skinwalker Ranch?

While Skinwalker Ranch becomes the center of attraction for thousands of paranormal enthusiasts from all around the world, some non-believers have expelled all these strange stories behind “Skinwalker Ranch” saying the Shermans had been lying about what they saw. Many even think Shermans were under the spell of a collective delusion.

It’s quite true that without proper evidence, the stories Shermans told about “Skinwalker Ranch” are difficult to believe, but they’re hardly unique.

The Strange History That Makes The Region Of Skinwalker Ranch More Mysterious:

The Uinta Basin of eastern Utah has been such a hotbed of paranormal sightings over the years that some extraterrestrial enthusiasts have deemed it “UFO Alley.” And in Southern Utah, there are a countless number of mysterious incidents and strange cases of alien abduction that have never been solved.

According to the book of “Hunt for the Skinwalker,” odd objects have been spotted overhead since the first European explorers arrived here in the eighteenth century. In 1776, Franciscan missionary Silvestre Vélez de Escalante wrote about strange fireballs appearing over his campfire in El Rey. And before the Europeans, of course, indigenous peoples occupied the Uinta Basin. Today, “Skinwalker Ranch” abuts the Uintah and Ouray Indian Reservation of the Ute Tribe.

Were the Shermans seeing things that nearby Native Americans had taken note of centuries before?

What’s New?

Now, History TV is digging up all the stories behind Skinwalker Ranch to uncover its hidden secrets.

The Secrets of Skinwalker Ranch

Image/History TV

Erik Bard, a plasma physicist with over 30 years of experience and expertise, will act as the Principal Investigator on the project “The Secrets of Skinwalker Ranch.” And Jim Segala, PhD – a scientist and investigator who will be assisting the team. Let’s see what they find new in this case.


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