
The Anunnaki Gods Are Still Here On Earth

The question is not whether the Gods existed or not, but rather if they are now living among us.

According to scientists, the Anunnaki had bases all around the world, especially in the Middle East in countries such as Lebanon, Iraq, Israel, Egypt, as well as in India and South Africa.

There even artifacts belonging to these gods that were discovered in Iraq.

Many conspirators, at the same time, would tell you that many ancient artifacts and evidence related to these entities have disappeared for a reason. These artifacts supposedly contained information in relation to the origins of the human race.

It is indicative of the fact that many Mesopotamian relics and deities are incredibly similar to other ancient civilizations, despite the fact that contact between them would have been impossible.

The majority of all creation stories mostly go back to the same source: the Anunnaki.

There are theories and even scientists claiming that human beings were not only created by God but that they have also been genetically manipulated by other extraterrestrial civilizations.

Most stories related to our origins are strongly based on myths. However, these myths were based on facts. This is why we see the same tales around the world about one God that was involved in the creation of the human race.


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