
25 Mile UFO existing on the Moon: Undisputed proof of Aliens

ALIEN hunters say they have spotted a 25 mile long UFO on the Moon, leading to claims of “undeniable proof” of extraterrestrial activity on our lunar satellite.A long, black looking structure was supposedly seen in a NASA image – but the space agency is refusing to acknowledge it. That is at least the claim of one UFO researcher, who added that aliens reside on our lunar surface.

Prominent conspiracy theorist Scott C Waring made the shocking claim and even went into detail on how he thinks the spaceship works.

Mr Waring said that because of the UFO’s flat surface, it is able to land wherever it pleases.

The alien hunter wrote on his blog ET Data Base: “I found this black structure today.

“I often report such black structures, but this one can is a ship and flat on its bottom so it can land in different locations – this one has landed inside of a crater on the Moon.

Alien news: 25-mile long UFO seen on the Moon ‘Undeniable proof’

A long, black looking structure was supposedly seen in a NASA image

“Because of its location, surrounded by white, the black object stands out even more powerfully.

“The measurement at the bottom right of the map says 50 miles.

“Therefore the UFO I am reporting today also is 25 miles across according to the NASA measurement made in the map photo system.

“Aliens hide the structures and NASA often overlooks them since they have little training to find them. Undeniable proof of aliens on our Moon!”

“Aliens hide the structures and NASA often overlooks them since they have little training to find them”

Some conspiracy theorists claim the Moon could be occupied by aliens and say that is the reason NASA has not returned since the Apollo missions ended in 1972.

They suspect findings such as this supposed base and other anomalies could be monuments built by an ancient alien civilisation similar to the pyramids and other structures on Earth.

UFO hunters have long claimed the Moon is awash with extraterrestrial activity, and some believe NASA knows all about the alien presence.

However, sceptics and NASA say the structure and other similar findings are just the effects of pareidolia – a psychological phenomenon when the brain tricks the eyes into seeing familiar objects or shapes where they do not exist.


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