
See inside the 4,400-year-old tomb built for a royal purification priest discovered in Egypt

Egypt announced Saturday the discovery of a private tomb belonging to a senior official from the 5th dynasty of the pharaohs, which ruled roughly 4,400 years ago.

Antiquities Minister Khaled al-Anani announced the find at the site of the tomb in Saqqara, just west of Cairo, calling the discovery, saying it was “exceptionally well preserved.”

See inside the ancient find Minister al-Anani called “the most beautiful tomb discovered this year.”

The tomb was opened to cameramen and visitors over the weekend in the latest push for press and tourist attention to the country’s historical wonders.

egypt tomb
Cameramen and visitors visit the recently uncovered tomb of the Priest royal Purification during the reign of King Nefer Ir-Ka-Re, named “Wahtye”, at the site of the step pyramid of Saqqara, in Giza, Egypt, Saturday, Dec. 15, 2018. Amr Nabil/AP

The tomb was discovered in Saqqara, which is also home to the famed Step Pyramid.

step pyramid giza
Mohamed Abd El Ghany/Reuters

Mostafa Waziri, secretary general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities and the head of the excavation mission, said the mission discovered the tomb’s purpose for the royal purification priest named “Wahtye” by deciphering hieroglyphics engraved on the entrance.

egypt tomb
Mostafa Waziri, secretary general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, speaks inside a recently uncovered tomb of the Priest royal Purification during the reign of King Nefer Ir-Ka-Re, named “Wahtye.”, at the site of the step pyramid of Saqqara, in Giza, Egypt, Saturday, Dec. 15, 2018. The Egyptian Archaeological Mission working at the Sacred Animal Necropolis in Saqqara archaeological site succeeded to uncover the tomb, Antiquities Minister Khaled el-Anani, announced. ( Amr Nabil/AP)

Minister al-Anani said the “exceptionally well-preserved” tomb contains 24 statues of different sizes and colors.

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Mohamed Abd El Ghany/Reuters

The tomb was discovered at the Sacred Animal Necropolis and was made for a royal purification priest named “Wahtye.” He’s believed to have lived during the reign of King Nefer Ir-Ka-Re.

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Mohamed Abd El Ghany/Reuters Source: Egypt Today

Officials said the carvings and paintings on the walls of the tomb depict Wahtye’s family.

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Mohamed Abd El Ghany/Reuters

Figures that are etched into the wall with great detail include his mother and wife, who was called Weret Ptah.

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Mohamed Abd El Ghany/Reuters Source: Egypt Today

Paintings that span the tomb depict daily scenes of the priest’s life.

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Mohamed Abd El Ghany/Reuters

Other scenes depict the creation of pottery and wine, the making of religious offerings, sailing, hunting, and musical performances.

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Mohamed Abd El Ghany/Reuters

Though Waziri noted that the tomb suffered partial damage from underground flooding and showered with salt and silt from numerous theft attempts, many

original details remained intact.

egypt tomb
Relief statues are seen at the recently uncovered tomb of the Priest royal Purification during the reign of King Nefer Ir-Ka-Re, named “Wahtye”, at the site of the step pyramid of Saqqara, in Giza, Egypt, Saturday, Dec. 15, 2018. Amr Nabil/AP


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