Angelina Jolie reveals less pretty pictures when she was a girl

Angelina Jolie is confidently one of the most beautiful women in the world. However, recent images of her daughter’s life that have been “excavated” by the press show that this actress is not always beautiful and attractive.

Sexy lips, deep eyes are all impressive points on the face of this 37-year-old actress. When she was a schoolgirl 13-14 years old, her face was not harmonious but became rough.

Angelina in 14

Far from the glamorous beauty of being famous

While sitting on the school chair

Have fun with friends

The rebellious daughter of actor Jon Voight started out as a model while still taking acting classes. She then began acting in several music videos.

At the age of 14, Angelina and her mother moved to Los Angeles, after which she dropped out of acting classes at the Lee Strasberg Academy of Film and Theater and aspired to become a funeral director.

Photos of this moment show Angelina with the bright eyes of a young girl. Very little makeup. The facial features of this actress are still not really harmonious.

As a student at Beverly Hills High School, she often felt isolated because other children were children of wealthy families in the area. So Angelina Jolie uses a knife to cut herself in the body. At this time, the plumpness on Angelina’s face has gradually decreased, the contours of the face have also become more harmonious.

The rebellious youth ended when she realized the value of life. Success in cinema made Angelina a rich woman. She is engaged to Brad Pitt and has 6 children (4 adopted). Angelina is considered the happiest woman with a family of many members and a successful career. Currently, this actress is busy on set with her role in the movie Maleficien

Angelina with salty beauty



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