
Is This The Ancient City of Atlantis? This Strange uɴᴅᴇʀwᴀтᴇʀ City Was Recently Discovered in Cuba

This discovery was made back in 2001 as experts Pauline Zalitzki and her husband Paul Weinzweig reported having come across what appears to be a massive submerged city underneath the waters of Cuba.

They were undergoing a survey mission in Cuba when they heard about quite a lot of fuss going around near the coast of the Guanahacabibes Peninsula from the Pinar Del Rio Province in Cuba.

That is when they decided to visit it as it could have been tied to the series of artifacts that were discovered in the area.

Soon after they discovered the fact that the bottom of the sea was filled with ancient granite structures that were all too symmetrical for them to be natural after all.

They are believed to be ruins of an ancient city altogether as some even claim that this could be the Lost City of Atlantis we’ve been looking for since forever now.

The city is believed to span out for over 2 square kilometers and in order to see it experts had to send it a scanner to go to up to 2,000 – 2,460 feet underwater.

The pictures that you can see here showcase the fact that there are ancient pyramids down here that appear to be over 50,000 years old by now. They are all believed to be around 8 by 6 feet and they are clearly artificial, to say the least.

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