
Black Cube Shaped UFO Followed Fighter Jet Over Texas, March 21, 2023

A video of a strange black Cube Shaped UFO was filmed this week on Tuesday at an unspecified location in Texas, USA.

Black Cube Shaped UFO Over Texas

According to the unnamed author of the video, he and his wife looked up at the sky as a military plane that looked like an F-111 bomber flew west to east right over their house.

They regarded this incident as very unusual since military aircraft had previously very rarely appeared in their area.

But they were even more confused when, literally “seconds later” after the bomber’s passage, a dark object appeared in the sky. At fir,st it seemed to them spherical, but then they considered that it was more like a cube.

In the video, a man can be heard saying, “That’s so weird. A military plane flies by, and then THIS appears, whatever it is,” to which his wife replies, “I have no idea what it is.”

It is indicated that the man sent the video he shot to the UFO site MUFON.

The eyewitness also admitted that the strange object could be something mundane, such as a baby balloon, but he thinks that this “air anomaly” emits some kind of glow, which is clearly not the property of balloons. In his opinion, this “glow” may be associated with the propulsion system of the aircraft.

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