
2,500-Year-Old Scythian Warrior Discovered in Siberian ‘Valley of the Kings’ Untouched Grave

A Scythian warrior’s of 2,500-year-old tomb has been discovered in the ‘Siberian Valley of the Kings’ in Russia.

The warrior discovered by archaeologist from the University of Jagiellonian in Krakow, buried with his weapon and gold ornaments, was found in an untouched tomb in the area known for its rich burial sites and notorious grave-robbing.

The skeletal remains of the 2,500-year-old Scythian warrior was found buried with a bronze battle axe, arrows, an iron knife and fragments of a bow

In the Asian part of the Russian Federation is so-called “Siberian Valley of the Kings,” named after its Egyptian counterpart.

It was named after the numerous giant kurgan tombs, often full of treasures of thought belonging to royalty.

Of the two tombs they found only one was robbed, while the other was untouched.The archaeological site of Chinge-Tey where Poles uncovered the new treasures is operated together with the State Hermitage Museum in Sankt Petersburg and Korean Seoul University, reports the Science in Poland website (Nauka w Polsce).

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