
Mystery Of Strange Creature That Baffled An Entire City Is Yet To Be Solved

Last summer, the city of Amarillo had asked the public for help in identifying the odd-looking creature in the footage from Amarillo Zoo was. Security cameras filmed it lurking around the perimeter fence in the early hours of May 21.

Amarillo Zoo Creature

Stories of strange sightings in the sky and in the wild have intrigued generations of mystery seekers around the world.

But there are a few episodes that have remained in the realm of mystery despite being caught on camera

Unidentified Amarillo Object' Caught on Video at Texas Zoo – NBC 5  Dallas-Fort Worth

Take this case for example.

Not so long ago, an incredibly strange and mysterious creature was caught on a zoo’s surveillance camera walking on two legs just behind a metal fencing.

The clip showing the strange looking creature first went viral in 2022.

What is it? Strange image caught on camera at Texas zoo – WSOC TV

Believe it or not, officials in the state have still not been able to identify the strange thing even after a year of investigation.

Last summer, the city of Amarillo had asked the public for help in identifying the odd-looking creature in the footage from Amarillo Zoo was. Security cameras filmed it lurking around the perimeter fence in the early hours of May 21.

Mystery of strange creature caught on camera that baffled entire city has  never been solved

Footage of the so-called animal quickly went viral on social media and was even shown on several news stations around the world. But neither the zoo staff nor the city officials had any other information about the strange-looking thing.

Amarillo Zoo first posted about the sighting on Twitter last June. Once the photos went viral, many suggested the creature was ‘a person in a furry suit’. Then there were some pop-culture influenced suggestions too. Fans of Stranger Things said the creature looked like a Demogorgon from the first season.

Others suggested it might be a Chupacabra, a legendary creature in the folklore of parts of the Americas, with its first purported sightings reported in Puerto Rico in 1995.

Mystery creature seen outside Amarillo, TX zoo. What is it? | Fort Worth  Star-Telegram

While the identity of the creature is still unknown, it went on to be referred as an ‘Unidentified Amarillo Object’ or UAO.

“We’d love to hear feedback from the community on what they think it might be. It’s a very unique picture, and we’re excited to see what the community thinks. The photo is absolutely real,” Michael Kashuba, director of Parks and Recreation with the City of Amarillo, told News Channel 10.

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