
Huge fossils show the fear of prehistoric creatures

Dinosaur fossils are as tall as a 7-storey building, python fossils weigh over a ton… are huge fossils discovered by archaeologists.For archaeologists, the discovery of new fossils is extremely special. Because through that, experts will have the opportunity to learn about individuals millions of years ago. In addition to unique fossils such as a 46-million-year-old mosquito fossil that still contains blood , or the world’s oldest sperm fossil … archaeologists are also extremely surprised by the discovery of giant fossils.1. Camel fossils are 2 times bigger than normal camelsIn 2005, Swiss archaeologists from the University of Zurich discovered the bones of a giant camel in a village 120km northeast of La Palmyre. Through research, experts determined that this animal lived about 100,000 years ago. Its size is almost 2 times larger than other normal camels. ADVERTISINGiTVC from Admicro

Leading the survey, Professor Jean-Marie Le Tensorer confirmed, this is a new breed of camel. Besides the giant camel fossil, experts also found countless stone tools, many shoulder bones, legs and jaws of that individual camel.

An image of an ancient giant camel.Through the collected specimens, archaeologists have simulated the shape of this giant camel and determined that ancient camels could be the target of hunting. This also helps researchers better understand the evolution of camels – one of the most mysterious creatures.2. Python fossils weigh more than a tonIn 2009, scientists discovered fossils of a python species believed to be the world’s largest with a length of up to 13m and weighing over a ton in the Cerrejon coal region – northeastern Colombia.

This python was named Titanoboa cerrejonensis, which means giant python from Cerrejon. According to the description published in the journal Nature, the Titanoboa python is at least 13m long and weighs about 1,140kg. The giant body of the python is at least 1m wide.

According to the research team, this reptile lived 58 to 60 million years ago, after dinosaurs and many other species went extinct 65 million years ago.

The image depicts the giant python Titanoboa. Jack Conrad – python expert at the American Museum of Natural History said: “This reptile is heavier than a bison and longer than a bus. Therefore, Titanoboa python is more than able to eat other animals of its size. with cows and, of course, they will devour humans in no time.” Experts hope that the discovery of this giant python will help them open the door to research on what the animals that replaced the dinosaurs at the time looked like.3. Crocodile fossil is nearly 7m . longIn 2012, Dr Mark Young of the University of Edinburgh led a team of scientists who unearthed fossil skeletons of ancient crocodile Plesiosuchus with a length of 6.8m and Dakosaurus 4.5m long dating from 150 million years ago. . These fossils were found in two locations on the coast of Dorset and Cambridgeshire (England).

The research team said that, unlike today’s crocodiles, these two newly discovered prehistoric crocodile species hunted extremely aggressively.

Fossil skull, lower jaw, and teeth of the alligator  Dakosaurus .Not only that, the crocodile Dakosaurus and Plesiosuchus have skulls that are said to be similar to T-Rex tyrannosaurs, but in terms of hunting, they are similar to killer whales living in the North Atlantic today. They capture prey by opening their mouths, creating pressure, and sucking prey into their mouths.4. Dinosaur fossils are as tall as a 7-story buildingRecently, a farmer accidentally discovered giant fossil bones in the desert near La Flecha, in Argentina. Soon after, archaeologists from the Museum of Paleontology Egidio Feruglio led by Dr. José Luis Carballido and Dr. Diego Pol conducted the survey.

A bone of a newly discovered dinosaur fossil.Accordingly, by measuring the length and circumference of the largest giant thigh bone found, experts estimate this creature is about 40m long, 20m high and weighs 77 tons – equivalent to 14 elephants Africa and weighed 7 tons more than the previously thought to be the largest animal in the world – the dinosaur Argentinosaurus.

Experts estimate this creature is about 40m long, 20m high and weighs 77 tons.Based on the age of the rocks in which the bones were found, experts say that this giant dinosaur lived in the forests of Patagonia about 95-100 million years ago

The researchers said they will think of an appropriate name to describe the size of this giant dinosaur as well as honor the person who discovered this fossil.



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