
Strange ‘Alien’ Creature That Washed Up On Beach Has Finally Been Identified

Recently, an Aussie man was left stunned after coming across an ‘alien-like’ creature on the beach of Queensland, Australia. This confused Alex Tan who later shared footage of the ‘extraterrestrial’ creature on his Instagram profile, and it surely grabbed a lot of attention.

Man finds 'alien creature' while walking on a beach in Australia

“I’ve stumbled across something weird,” the Christian pastor can be heard saying in the video. “This is like one of those things you see when people claim they’ve found aliens.” The video was then directed towards a corpse of something with rat-like claws, a decaying skull, and a very long tail.

He said that his spooky discovery looked like “a de-haired possum, but different to anything I’ve seen,” before going on to say he thought it was “extraterrestrial”.

Watch: Mysterious 'Alien' Like Creature Spotted on Australian Beach - The  Teal Mango

Alex Tan was walking on Maroochydore Beach on the Sunshine Coast when he laid his eyes on a mysterious creature. “I thought it was a three-metre flatty or something but as I got closer, it looked like a cross between a dog, a possum, a kangaroo and some sort of giant rat,” Tan told “Maybe something had come along and had a little nibble of it. I just think it’s some sort of deformed possum.”

However, the mystery behind the weird-looking creature has finally been unwrapped and it has been identified now. University of Queensland associate professor Stephen Johnston has cleared the air by actually agreeing with Tan on his theory.

Creepy alien-like creature with flabby limbs and CLAWS washes up on an  Australian beach | Daily Mail Online

‘After consultation with my colleague Heather Janetzki from the Queensland Museum we are pretty sure that it is a swollen, waterlogged brushtail possum who has lost its fur,’ he told the Courier Mail.

‘The skull and hindlimb give the clues. The animal was probably washed down into the ocean during the floods.’

So, looks like the professor wouldn’t get any brownie points because Tan was smart enough to figure out the creature.

MYSTERY SOLVED: Grisly find on Coast beach mystifies locals | The Courier  Mail

This is not the first time an unusual looking creature has washed up on one of the beaches and has completely shocked people. Earlier this month, a Sydney resident came across a peculiar-looking thing while he was out for a jog in the morning. Harry Hayes was jogging through Marrickville when he saw something ‘alien-like’.

“My gut says it’s some kind of embryo but with Covid, World War III, and the floods [going on right now] this could very well be an alien,” Hayes said.

Nature is totally unpredictable.

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