
Woman Stumbled Upon a Bizarre Alien Creature Near Area 51

A woman on TikTok described spotting a mystery creature with unusually lengthy limbs, prompting a new discoveries to be posted from all directions.


As you can see, the user “stinkyeyescrappy” shared this video last Tuesday, asking all of her followers if they recognized the creature in the first place.

To begin with, some thought it was a lizard, but this was quickly disproved because it appears to be very different from other lizard species.

What’s more intriguing about this discovery is that it was discovered near the sealed area 51 in Nevada, USA, which is supposed to house the various aliens and UFOs that the US has collected over the years.


Most people have proclaimed this incredibly alien-looking organism to be an ET of some kind because no one has been able to describe it.

Some described it as a terrifying monster from a horror film, and its somewhat elongated form certainly calms you down.

As a joke, some referred to it as the “Lizard Slenderman” or a Star Wars character, but most of the time, no one could see what it may be.

The video became viral, with over 550 thousand views, 16 thousand shares, and 2.8 million clicks.

Some thought it was just a toy that had been stretching all along, but no one has been able to produce conclusive proof to back up their theory.

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