
Devil’s Triangle Demystified: Scientist claims to have resolved Bermuda Triangle mystery; What’s the theory this time?

Conspiracy theorists have tried to formulate theories including UFOs and electronic fog as the reason behind the many disappearances in the Triangle but the mystery remains unsolved. However, a scientist from Australia has claimed to have solved the mystery once and for all.

Mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle | Season 0 Episode 1 |

The mystery surrounding the Bermuda Triangle is age-old and one that many have tried to come up with an explanation for. Also known as the “Devil’s Triangle”, the place has left researchers and scientists scratching their heads trying to come up with a perfectly logical explanation. Conspiracy theorists have tried to formulate theories including UFOs and electronic fog as the reason behind the many disappearances in the Triangle but the mystery remains unsolved. However, a scientist from Australia has claimed to have solved the mystery once and for all.

secret of Bermuda Triangle? Scientists have unraveled the mystery News in  Marathi

According to Dr. Karl Kruszelnicki from Sydney University, the disappearances of planes and boats at the Bermuda Triangle are a result of bad weather and human error, as opposed to the supernatural causes that the majority of people like to believe in.

The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle

Kruszelnicki in 2017 told that the Bermuda Triangle is close to the Equator, near a wealthy part of the world – America – therefore there’s a lot of traffic. He further suggested that according to Lloyd’s of London and the US Coastguard, the number of people that go missing in the Bermuda Triangle is the same as anywhere in the world on a percentage basis. Explaining one of the most famous disappearances of Flight 19, Kruszelnicki said that it was probably due to 15m waves knocking about the Atlantic that day.

The Scientific Mystery Behind The Bermuda Triangle | Discover Magazine

Flight-19 was a five-plane flight that took off from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on December 5, 1945. Members of the US Navy were on a two-hour normal training flight that day when they lost all contact with the base. The planes and their crews vanished in thin air and no debris was ever found. Kruszelnicki added that the only experienced pilot in Flight 19 was Lieutenant Charles Taylor, whose human error may have caused the tragedy.

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