
The mystery of the lost city of giants Deep in the Ecuadorian jungle confuses scientists (Video)

They were extraordinarily hairy and resided north of a tribe known as the Maxubi, according to Fawcett, who is said to have encountered them in the South American jungles in 1914 while mapping them out. They were incredibly hostile toward humans and could only communicate through grunts. The colonel wrote about how he and his soldiers nearly got attacked by the monsters when they approached their settlement in his book Lost Trails, Lost Cities.

He chose to create Peru’s first in-depth geothermal map for his PhD project. There are boiling streams. They are situated close to geothermal hotspots like volcanoes. Such locations are far from the Amazonian basin, making the occurrence of a boiling river virtually implausible. Yet as luck would have it, his aunt was the one person who knew how to navigate the scorching river.

This site is known as Mayantuyacu, and is considered sacred by the natives. They use its waters for everything from cooking, brewing tea, or washing. Because Mayantuyacu is nowhere near a volcano, there isn’t a simple answer as to where the heat comes from. The best explanation so far, is that this water comes from far away, as far as the glaciers high up in the Andes Mountains.

In order to make room for banana plantations, farmers began clearing the jungle only to come across these round balls ranging in size from only a few inches to over 6.6 feet in diameter, and weighing in as much as 15 tons. Not knowing what to make of them, the farmers either pushed them aside with bulldozers or blew them up with dynamite.

Word got around that there was gold inside, so people began destroying them, only to find the rumors to be false. Nevertheless, they did a proper archaeological investigation soon after their discovery. Some of the stone spheres, which were left in their original place, were found alongside pottery shards dating from around 300 to 1550 AD.

Most of them are believed to have been made around the year 1000 AD, more than 500 years before the Spanish Conquest. There isn’t much information about their creators, however, with the culture disappearing soon after the European arrivals. Nevertheless, archaeological evidence points to the fact that these people lived in scattered settlements no larger than 2,000 people at a time.

They also made use of agriculture and lived in circular houses. To create these spherical stones, this ancient civilization probably used a combination of techniques such as controlled fracture, pecking, and sand grinding. They are also not perfect spheres. But given the technology at the time, they are impressive nonetheless.

Their purpose, on the other hand, is a complete mystery. 4. Lost Head of Guatemala In 1987, Oscar Rafael Padilla Lara, a doctor of philosophy, received a photograph of a giant stone head located somewhere in the jungles of Guatemala. Supposedly, the owner of the land where the head was located took the photograph during the 1950s.

Dr. Padilla went on a search for the head. Unfortunately, however, the head had been disfigured. From 1960 to 1996, civil war ravaged Guatemala and it appears that the rebels used the mysterious stone head as target practice. The site is located some 6 miles away from the small village of La Democracia in southern Guatemala.

Dr. Padilla measured what remained of the monolith to a height of about 20 feet. Since the war was still taking place at the time, he never returned to the site. Now, there have been other stone heads discovered in the country, as well as southern Mexico, created by the Olmec civilization during the first and second millennium BC.

What makes this stone head so special, however, is the fact that it doesn’t look anything like the others. While the Olmec monuments resemble a more “Negroid” appearance – something that sparked all sorts of wild theories – this

Some, nevertheless, speculate that this head was maybe an anomaly in the Olmec period, or maybe it was made by another culture altogether, before or after the Olmecs themselves. Others believe that, similar to the Easter Island Statues, there may be a body underneath yet to be discovered. But there is some controversy about the whole story.Video:

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