Succulent plants require few nutrients, minimal water and can survive in small areas. A dish garden provides just enough growing space and gives you an attractive indoor or outdoor way to display your favorite succulents. A large open seashell is a natural dish for growing succulents. Crassulas, sedums and small aloe plants are just a few succulents that thrive in a seashell garden. Combine different varieties of succulents to achieve optimal color and structure in the small planting.
Cover the bottom of the shell with a 1/2-inch layer of gravel. The gravel provides some drainage for the soil, but the garden still requires careful irrigation to prevent overwatering.
Sprinkle ground charcoal over the top of the gravel. The carbon prevents odors from water standing in the gravel.
Fill the shell with a 1/2-inch layer of soil. Use a potting soil formulated for cactus plants or make your own using equal parts potting soil, peat moss and coarse sand.
Remove the succulents from their pots. Arrange the plants on top of the soil to find your preferred design. The plants require about two to three inches of space around them.
Make a small mound of soil for each plant. Spread out the plant’s roots gently with your fingers so that they drape over the mound. Add more soil to the shell until the roots are covered and the succulents are set at the same depth they were growing at before.
Water the soil until it is just moist. Mist the plant leaves lightly with water from a spray bottle.
Place the shell in an area that receives bright but indirect light and stays warm. After two weeks, gradually move the plants to a brighter location. Water the soil only when it feels dry when you stick your finger in it.